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Dear Parents, As the end of this school year quickly approaches I encourage you to assist the teachers and staff by reinforcing the importance of “finishing strong with your children. The final weeks of the school year are always the most difficult to keep our students focused and engaged. This is completely understandable with summer fun just around the corner. Please check… Read more »
Dear Parents, May is such a special month filled with celebrations! Last Friday’s May Crowning began the month with a beautiful May Crowning of Mary along with our school Mass. Thank you to all parents who sent in the beautiful flowers. Special thanks to Michelle McKenna, Maria Pina, and Eva Sanchez for arranging the flowers… Read more »
Dear Parents, It is hard to believe that there are only about 8 weeks left of this school year. The time has flown by as it does every year. But we aren’t done yet…there is still much work to be done and celebrations to enjoy! As we enter into the holiest of weeks observed by… Read more »
Dear Parents, Many thanks for all of the support you have given us regarding the changes/shifting of positions for the upcoming school year. The letter / sent out to you earlier this week was very well received. Our staff is excited to return in August and enthusiastic about the positive, refreshing changes some of our… Read more »
Dear Parents, Congratulations to all of our students, staff and parents for making our transition from mandatory masking protocols to parent choice protocols such a positive experience. All students and school staff were treated with respect for the various decisions they chose to follow. I was very confident that this would be the result, but… Read more »
Dear Parents, Monday will be a big day for Stella Maris Academy and many other Catholic and private schools in San Diego. Beginning Monday, March 14 masks will no longer be mandated in our schools. The Governor has declared that beginning March 12th, masks in schools are highly recommended but not mandatory, Parents will now… Read more »
Dear Parents, As we officially enter into the season of Lent we focus on prayer, fasting, and alms-giving. We remain committed to deepening our relationships with God by making prayer a priority, fasting without calling attention to ourselves, and giving to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Lent is a perfect time for reflection… Read more »
Dear Parents, On behalf of the faculty, staff and administration of Stella Maris Academy, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the thoughtfulness and generosity so many of you expressed to us during Catholic Schools Week. It was truly a celebration! An important piece to our budgeting and planning for the upcoming school… Read more »