Join us for our State of the School address starting at 5:15 with the Christmas pageant immediately following at 6 pm. Come see all the great things happening at SMA! We hope you can join us.
This coming Sunday(December 4th) is the annual La Jolla Christmas parade. We are well under way with prepping our float for this year’s parade – the theme is “Christmas in the Future”.
We are planning to start the building/decorating process on Saturday(December 3rd, time will be sent out in a couple of days) and we will need help early Sunday morning as well for final float preparations – starting at 8 am . If you can join us for any of those times please email Jennifer Barber-Singh with details on how your family can help us – building/decorations/
The float committee looks forward to another award winning float & we need all the help we can get!! Also, Jennifer will be in the Jr yard after school Tues-Friday for ornament decorating that will be used on this years Christmas tree on the float – feel free to hang out for a little bit and help us make our tree futuristic!
The Float committee
The Spirit Run is coming on Tuesday, November 15th!
All students are asked to try and raise $85 dollars. If they raise $100, they will get to attend a taco party!
Teachers have class incentives as well as they battle it out to be the class with the highest participation!!
Use this link and donate now!
Just a reminder that Back to School nights are coming up this week.
TK-5th Grade Back to School Night is Wednesday, August 31st at 6 p.m. starting in the hall.
All families are welcome to attend the New Families reception starting at 5 p.m. Come welcome them to the SMA family!
Middle School Back to School Night is Thursday, September 1st at 6 p.m. in the senior yard.
All families are welcome to attend the middle school new family reception at 5:45 p.m.
We hope to see you there!
Well the first day of school is almost here! We are so excited to welcome you all back on Monday, August 29th.
We wanted to make sure you were aware that on TUESDAY, August 30th there will be a welcome back coffee and uniform sale at 8:15 in the Gathering. We hope you can join us to share your summer memories and enjoy the beginning of the year. Hope to see you there.
Wondering what forms are needed and are due to the office? Please take a minute and review our Back to School Packet.