Dear Parents,
Monday will be a big day for Stella Maris Academy and many other Catholic and private schools in San Diego. Beginning Monday, March 14 masks will no longer be mandated in our schools. The Governor has declared that beginning March 12th, masks in schools are highly recommended but not mandatory, Parents will now have the opportunity to make the choice that they feel is in the best interest of their children. As with any change, this will present new challenges. I assure you that we will meet them all in a timely manner and with much communication with all of you. As always, I commend us all for the respect we have shown to each other during a time where many of us have differing opinions on very “sensitive issues”. Let’s keep it up… SMA Strong!!!!
Speaking of SMA Strong… huge congratulations to our Academic Decathlon Team with a 2nd Place Overall finish this past Saturday! Please check out the other amazing statistics in today’s newsletter. The entire team and their incredible head coaches Mrs. Zack and Mrs. Moreau will be treated to breakfast at Richard Walker’s this Tuesday, compliments of our pastor, Fr. Pat. Way to go decathletes!!!!!
Mrs. Moss