Principal Mrs. Francie Moss Shares Distance Learning Successes on National TV

Stella Maris Academy’s principal, Mrs. Francie Moss will appear as a guest on The Dr. Phil Show one day next week (date to be determined), as one of a panel of educators from schools across the country to talk about the impact of distance learning and best practices as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Mrs. Moss will also be a guest on The Dr. Phil Podcast that will be available for viewing, tomorrow, April 14, 2020.

As a result of COVID-19, schools and families all over the world have encountered a variety of challenges as many parents are now working from home, and their children are also learning from home. Stella Maris Academy had prepared weeks in advance for the possibility of the temporary school closure due to the pandemic, and only experienced two school days down time. During the TV Show and Podcast, Mrs. Moss provides insight on how Stella Maris Academy handled the transition and provides advise for other schools and families.

Mrs. Moss said, “It was an honor to give the world a glimpse of the exceptional educational experience Stella Maris Academy provides to its students.” The Dr. Phil TV program airs during the week of April 20th-24th at 3:00pm PST, on San Diego’s KFMB station, Channel 8. The Podcast airs Tuesday, April 14th and can be viewed at

Stella Maris Academy, the parish school of Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church, is transitional-kindergarten through 8th grade co-educational school in the Village of La Jolla. Children at Stella Maris thrive in a warm and welcoming, friendly and safe environment. For nearly 75 years the school has provided academic excellence in a nurturing environment by a talented and dedicated staff.




A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

The time has come to take a step back from this crazy “race” that we have “sprinted” into. I pray that these next 11 days of being away and “unplugged” will find us returning refreshed and ready to find the sustainable “pace” that we need to finish whatever the remainder of this school year has in store for us.

I encourage you to continue praying and reflecting on the daily Stations of the Cross that I am emailing to you each day as well as viewing the Holy Week masses and services from our parish website. Although we may not be together, physically…we CAN remain together in prayer.

I wish you God’s peace and strength as I send you all a “virtual” hug and my prayers!

Holy Week Blessings,
Francie Moss

A Note from Father Pat

Greetings to our SMA Family,

I feel the blessings of God amidst this tumult. No, I am not immune or naïve about the pain and challenges we face. I am just blessed to witness amazing acts of grace every day in the people with whom I work and pray and live. All of you give me hope by your witness. That word is so prominent throughout the Easter readings and it becomes incarnate in you by your selfless living out of the core message that defines us as a parish, as a school, as a community.

Thank you all for your sacrifices and your service. To our parents, thank you for your cooperation and support amidst this unprecedented time. To our faculty and staff, thank you for your heroic work in bringing some sense of normalcy into the lives of our children. I know that you sacrifice much out of love for your kids and it is does not go unnoticed or unappreciated by me and so many others. You are an incredible blessing to all of us. To our students, I hope and pray you feel and respond to the love of God being shown to you through the witness of your parents and teachers and others. You, too, can witness by your attentiveness, your enthusiasm, and your appreciation of others through all of this. We are in this TOGETHER.

Please know of my prayers and support for all of you. When this is behind us, we will look back and focus on many things. Most of all, I will focus on the grace of God shown to me by your witness. Peace and blessings be with you.

Blessed Assurance in Christ,
Fr. Pat

A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

Greetings from my “Home Office” to yours! I pray that all are remaining safe and healthy during these confusing, hectic, frustrating days. But looking on the bright side…our students are still learning and becoming more comfortable with the temporary situation at hand. Additionally, they are able to see their classmates via Zoom meetings.

As I stated in last week’s video message to all of you, I will be offering a virtual “Coffee with the Principal” Zoom meeting tomorrow, Thursday, April 2 from 4:00-5:00. This is intended for parents with any questions they may have or just wanting to say hello. It will be an open forum. You may jump in and out at anytime throughout the hour. Since it is open to all parents, any questions or concerns that require personal attention can be addressed with me via the phone or private email. This is out of respect all families and SMA teachers and staff. Please see the invitation to join the meeting below. I hope to see many of you there throughout the hour.

After much discussion with Fr. Pat, the teachers and staff, it has been decided to add some additional time to our Easter Break. Originally, our break was to begin at 12:30 on Holy Thursday, April 9. The new schedule is for remote classes to be in session Monday and Tuesday of next week with the Easter break beginning on Wednesday, April 8 instead of April 9. Additionally, teachers will not be assigning work to be completed over the time off. This will allow your families to “take a breath” and unwind and give the teachers some, much needed and deserved, “down time”. I am requesting that teachers unplug and “go dark” in other words, not utilize technology for work purposes. I am requesting the same from our families. We all need a break from this stress to reconnect with our families and to focus on our faith during this Holy time of the year. I encourage you to view live streamed Holy Week services on our church website. Fr. Pat asked me to share with all of you that he is available for Reconciliation, by appointment. If you are interested, please call the parish office.

One last note…due to this unprecedented situation, we will be waiving the service hour requirements for the current school year.

Many thanks to all of you for your continued prayers, cooperation and support. I hope to see many of you at the Zoom meeting tomorrow.

Francie Moss

Topic: Francie Moss’ Coffee With the Principal Zoom Meeting
Time: Apr 2, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 257 092 4124

A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

As we approach the final day of this remote learning week my best advice to everyone is to take a moment to breathe and congratulate yourselves for a job well done. Teachers are exhausted from putting in mega hours to make sure they provide the best learning experiences possible under these difficult circumstances. Students are finding out the importance of time management and missing the interaction with their friends…and oh my…many parents are trying to work from home, help their children navigate the multiple learning platforms and communicate with teachers as well. Unfortunately, this is our “new normal” for the moment. None of us signed up for the situation we are experiencing. We are all on overload and are looking forward to the day we can return to life as we know it. But until then, please let us be gentle with ourselves and kind to one another. Patience with all involved will get us through this and make us stronger. We have an amazing school family. Please know that you can rely on me to support you during these times of uncertainty. I thank God for the dedication, creativity and collegiality of the teachers and staff. I thank God for our diligent students. I thank God for the trust that our parents have in us. We are truly blessed….SMA all the way!

Francie Moss

A Message From The Principal Regarding COVID-19 and Temporary School Closure

Good Morning Stella Maris Academy Parents and School Staff,

This is the call many of you have been anticipating.  I apologize for not having this information sooner, although as I have expressed in previous communications, we were awaiting official notification from Bishop McElroy.  Effective Monday, March 16th, Stella Maris Academy and all other schools in the Diocese of San Diego will be closing to prevent any spreading of the coronavirus until further notice.  Most students will be taking textbooks and necessary supplies home today.  Teachers will be on campus for final planning from 8 a.m. – 12p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and remote instruction will commence on Wednesday.  Parents are welcome to come by school on Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 8 and 12 to pick up books and supplies and ask questions as well.  I will be sending out a detailed communication on Monday regarding the remote teaching schedule to assist with this temporary transition.

The office staff will be on site throughout the duration of the closure to respond to any parent questions and needs.

We have been preparing for this decision, but hoping it would not happen.  Thankfully we are ready and so are your children. Please join me in thanksgiving for this amazing teaching staff.   They have come together as a team of diligent, highly qualified professionals.  Your children are so blessed to have them.

I will continue to pray for health and well-being for all of our Stella Maris Academy family during this stressful time.

Thank you,


Francie Moss


School Closure Letter

Good Morning Stella Maris Academy Parents and School Staff,

This is the call many of you have been anticipating. I apologize for not having this information sooner, although as I have expressed in previous communications, we were awaiting official notification from Bishop McElroy. Effective Monday, March 16 Stella Maris Academy and all other schools in the Diocese of San Diego will be closing to prevent any spreading of the coronavirus until further notice.

Most students will be taking textbooks and necessary supplies home today. Teachers will be on campus for final planning from 8 a.m. – 12p.m. on Monday and Tuesday and remote instruction will commence on Wednesday. Parents are welcome to come by school on Monday or Tuesday between the hours of 8 and 12 to pick up books and supplies and ask questions as well. I will be sending out a detailed communication on Monday regarding the remote teaching schedule to assist with this temporary transition. The office staff will be on site throughout the duration of the closure to respond to any parent questions and needs.

We have been preparing for this decision, but hoping it would not happen. Thankfully we are ready and so are your children Please join me in thanksgiving for this amazing teaching staff. They have come together as a team of diligent, highly qualified professionals. Your children are so blessed to have them.
I will continue to pray for health and well-being for all of our Stella Maris Academy family during this stressful time.

Thank you,
Francie Moss, Principal

A Message from the Principal

Dear Parents,

I am confident that it is of no surprise that this week’s letter to you will be addressing the precautions Stella Maris Academy is taking to keep your children safe and healthy during this time of uncertainty. Please rest assured that we are in frequent contact with the Diocese of San Diego Office for Schools and the California Department of Public Health. Additionally, we are receiving regular updates from the San Diego County health and education officials.

The San Diego County Office of Education stated in its latest coronavirus update on Wednesday that any school closures here are unwarranted and “could create unintended consequences” that would hurt public health officials’ efforts to protect the community.

County health officials have the authority to close schools if they believe it’s necessary. Instead, the county education office has asked schools and districts to update their emergency plans, encourage healthy practices such as washing hands and regularly clean commonly-used surfaces, such as doorknobs. I am proud to share with you that SMA has fulfilled each of these recommendations. Our students are washing and sanitizing hands often and our night cleaning crew has stepped-up the nightly disinfecting of desks, chairs, touch-points (ie doorknobs and cabinet handles), lunch tables and playground play structures. This Friday, our faculty will meet to finalize our plan for remote teaching, should this become a reality for our school. We will fine tune our proposed daily scheduling and breakout into departments to share additional platforms that are grade level appropriate and engaging to students.

Please know that the health and safety of your children and our staff is of great importance to us. We will continue to be vigilant and will share any new updates we receive. Please join us in prayer for a healthy end to our school year.


Francie Moss

A Message From the Principal

Dear Parents,

Happy March! The days are getting longer and the weather, warmer. As spring approaches and the Lenten season continues, we remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. This month’s “Adult Virtue” is Charity. I encourage you to pray with your children for the poor, the sick, the homeless and those who may have no one to pray for them.

During this final trimester of the school year, I will be working with middle school students during their elective period. The students will be selecting, promoting, organizing and delivering or presenting a school-wide service/outreach project. I invite all parents to attend this month’s “Coffee with the Principal” on Thursday, March 26 to hear about this project from the students themselves. If all goes as planned, I will be leading this elective each trimester next year. I am very excited to be part of this service opportunity to our community. This is such a valuable lesson on compassion, empathy, Christian service and love for all of God’s children.

Just a quick reminder…if you have not checked out and paid for items you won in “Cause for Auction”, please do so as soon as possible. Any unclaimed items from the silent or live auction can be picked up in the office. We are currently finalizing all of the numbers and hope to have the final totals to share with you within the next two weeks. Many thanks again to all of you that helped to make this event such a huge success!

Francie Moss