Summer Work

Want to come back to school in the fall and attend our ice cream social? What about having the math department serve you pancakes? If either of these options interest you, please take a moment and check out the information below.

Every summer our students are asked to read and complete math assignments (grades 4-8) to help prevent the summer slide. Below you will find the links needed for these assignments.

Mrs. Marcelino’s Ice Cream Social Summer Reading Log – Students in kindergarten through third grade are asked to read and record 10 books. Students in fourth and fifth grade are asked to read five books, and middle school students are asked to read three books.

Middle School Reading (6-8) – We are asking all students to read at least two books over the summer and complete the work attached. Read the letter to find out more about what is being asked of our students.

Summer Math (4-8) – Students in fourth through eighth grade are asked to complete 8 ALEKS assignments over the summer with a score of 90% or higher. If students score lower, they can use the Quick Retake option to simply redo the problems they missed. Assignments can be found in the upper left hand corner of ALEKS by clicking on the three lines and selecting “Assignments”. It is strongly suggested that students complete the 8 ALEKS topics before working on their personal pie if they are close to finishing their pie so as to not lose their work on the assignments.

Thank you! We hope you have a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, August 22nd.


April Kiva Update

We were able to complete a loan on Friday!  A woman named Gertrude from the Philippines needed $25 to get 100% funded and SMA was able to provide it!  The $200 loan will help Gertrude build a toilet for her family.  In a past Kiva lesson, the students learned about the importance of sanitation and hygiene.  Gertrude’s new toilet will help reduce health risks to her family.  We are so happy for her!

In keeping with Eco-friendly loans, the students used a recent Time for Kids issue on the pros of buying used rather than new to better understand the toll it takes on the environment to manufacture goods.  Students began comparing the prices of new items such as books to prices on Amazon for the same product just gently used.  What a savings!  Students then looked closely at how a pair of jeans is made.  It starts with the cotton being grown which requires land and water. Chemicals are used to dye the jeans which can be toxic to the environment.  Energy is used in the factories to manufacture the jeans.  The jeans are then packaged in materials such as plastic.  Finally,  the jeans are shipped to the store which causes pollution during transport.  Not only is there a cost to us when buying the jeans but there is a cost to our environment.  Students recognize the importance of becoming more eco-conscious and to do our part in reducing, reusing, and recycling for the well being of our wonderful planet.  And we can even save money in the process 🙂  Remember this rule…  “If it’s good for the planet, it’s good for you!”

Stellar News is HERE!

The students in the Journalism elective class have put together the first issue of Stellar News online.  Please check out our first edition HERE!

A paper version of the news should appear shortly.

(Photo credit:

Introducing Stellar News!

The students in the Journalism elective class have put together the first issue of Stellar News online.  Please check out our first edition at:

A paper version of the news should appear shortly.

(Photo credit:

Living Stations of the Cross – Today at 2 p.m.

We hope you can join us today in the church at 2 p.m. as the 8th graders present the Living Stations of the Cross. Also, a reminder that tomorrow we will be having a prayer service in the church at 11:15.

Gala Reminder – The Silent Auction is now LIVE!

Hi SMA families –

The Gala’s Silent Auction is now live (here is the link:   Items to look for include: Front Row seats to 8th Grade Graduation, 3 Nights in a Luxury La Jolla Shores Beach House, Tickets to the Lot, Spirit Wear packages from Cathedral High School, OLP High School, and St. Augustine’s High School, Tickets to the San Diego Symphony, Class Art Projects for TK, 3rd, 5th & 6th Grades, and much more.

Please note that logging onto the Silent Auction website now to obtain your Bidder Number helps with the check in process the night of the Gala.

Happy bidding! Contact me at with any questions.

Renata Turquand, 2018 Gala Chair

Help the Missions – Donate your bottles and cans!

by Morgan B.
Student Staff Writer
Stella Maris Academy News

Today at Stella Maris Academy (SMA) we had a visitor, Sister Doreen from the Missionary Childhood Association. Every class got a chance to come and hear her speak. She shared two videos with all the students. The first one was about children in Africa who are suffering from a really bad drought. In the video, a group of people set up a little building there to give children food and drink. Some of these children were sick from the lack of water and they have little to no medical treatment. These children are pretty much helpless unless someone comes to help them. That is what the MCA does, they help all the people who can’t help themselves. Their mission is to share with others the stories of children throughout the world and ask for others to join them in helping others.

Mr. Erickson stated, “During the trimester that just ended on Friday, our school raised $229 for the Missions through our bottle and can recycling program. Thank you for putting your containers in the boxes outside the classrooms and not in the trash cans. Since we started doing this in 2005, we have raised $14,741 for the Missions. Let’s hit $15,000 by the end of the school year! Thank you, SMA!”

Please consider donating your plastic bottles and cans to our school to continue to help those in need.

The Mystery of Native Australian Wombats

by Scarlett H.
Student Staff Writer
Stella Maris Academy News

Wombats are marsupials that are native to Australia. I was born in Australia, so I ought to know a lot about wombats. A wombat is my favorite animal, because it is super cute and chubby. Some people mistake wombats for Koalas, but they are wrong. Wombats don’t climb trees; they live in burrows in the ground.  I really wish I had one for a pet, but wombats want to be with their family too.  I’ve only been able to see one at the zoo here in San Diego, and also at Black Butt (named after an Australian tree, a zoo in Newcastle Australia). I hope that one day I will be able to pet one.

At Stella Maris Academy, in the fifth grade, I learned even more about Australia, beyond my time living in on the continent.

I enjoy attending Stella Maris Academy because I am challenged in my work, and because I have the opportunity to write about my interests.


(Photo credit: J J Harrison / Wikipedia)

And the Spirit Run class winner is…


Today it was announced that third grade has won the Spirit Run prize! Did you know that 100% of the third grade class brought in MORE than $100? That is pretty amazing third grade!! We hope you enjoy your picnic and silly string festivities.

Stella Maris would also like to thank all of our parents and students for exceeding our goal of $13,000 and raising over $14,000. Your generosity is truly amazing and you make our SMA community so wonderful.

Thank you once again to Jennifer Bonakdar for organizing this entire event. You are truly an inspiration to all of us!

We are SO CLOSE!! Spirit Run Update

We have raised 12,100 and are honing in on our target. If you have waited until the last minute to donate, this is it. Monies must be turned in tomorrow morning, February 15th to be counted.