A Message From the Principal, November 6, 2019

Dear Parents,

Happy November!  Many thanks to all of our wonderful resident “Saints” that participated in our All Saints Day celebration and parade.  What an amazing way to show our admiration and respect for those who live their lives as Jesus asks of us.  Additionally, it was an incredible way to “witness”  the importance of living lives devoted to God to the community of La Jolla. Way to go SMA!

I hope you can join us on Monday, November 11 for our Veteran’s Day prayer service.  It will take place at 9:30 in the junior yard (weather permitting).  If you are a veteran or active military, I encourage you to come in uniform.  We will thank you and celebrate your service to our country.   God has blessed us with such a beautiful country and brave men and women to protect it and the freedoms we have as Americans. 

Have a great rest of the week!  I pray you have the opportunity to thank a veteran for their service this weekend!


Francie Moss


A Message from the Principal, Mrs. Moss

Dear Parents,

Many more thank yous are in order for all of the exciting things happening at Stella Maris Academy!  The events that are enjoyed by our school community would not be possible without the dedication of parents that volunteer hours upon hours of time to make it happen!  Thank you to Mrs. Kavanaugh and  our PTO for chairing the Halloween Bash.  Additional thanks to Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Helliar  and Mrs. Ronchi for  going above and beyond as well.  To our room parents and their helpers…you are amazing!  The games were so much fun and really added to the evening’s festivities.  Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Garrison for the use of their popcorn machine and for working that station all evening! Thank you to Mr. Moss for all of his assistance in making sure we had power supplied to everything without “tripping” any circuits.  A very special thank you to Mercedes Stalsby, Leslie Furrier, Vanda Poirier and Rosemary Nakamura…these wonderful ladies from our parish “Women’s Guild” volunteered their time to serve the food on this evening.  One School-One Parish!!!!!

I hope to see many of you at our “Coffee With the Principal” tomorrow morning at 8:00 A.M. in the Star Center.  Deacon Jim Vargas, the president and CEO of Father Joe’s Villages will be our guest speaker.

As we look forward to the fun of Halloween tomorrow, we also prepare to remember those who have lived lives devoted to God.  I encourage you to join us for our All Saints Day celebration and school Mass on  Friday.  We will begin in the parish hall at 10:45 with a brief Litany of Saints, then proceed with our Saints Parade around the block and into the church for Mass by 11:20.   We will also be drawing the winning ticket for our Dad’s Club raffle for San Diego Aztec  game tickets at the end of Friday’s school Mass. Don’t forget to stop by the junior yard to see the beautiful Dio de los Muertos altar.  Many thanks to Ms. Sanchez and Mrs. Pina for coordinating this amazing tradition for our children.

So much to be thankful for….so much to celebrate here at Stella Maris Academy!


A Message From The Principal: School Safety Meeting

Dear Parents,
I hope to see many of you at our School Safety Meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 PM.  This meeting is for adults only and will be facilitated by experts trained in school safety protocol in today’s society.  We will explain new mandated procedures and how we are preparing to keep your children safe in any situation. We will be meeting in the Star Center instead of the parish hall.
Are you planning on attending our Halloween Bash this Saturday?  It promises to be lots of fun for all ages….games…food…a bouncy for the young ones and a haunted library for the brave ones!  I hope to see you all there!
Many Blessings,
Francie Moss

A Message From The Principal, Mrs. Moss

Dear Parents,

Please indulge me as I take this opportunity to thank so many people that are going “above and beyond” to make Stella Maris Academy the very best it can be. 

A million thanks to Chiara Clemente and her committee for taking on the huge commitment of running this year’s “Family Fun Night”!  What an enjoyable evening.  Can you believe all of those amazing teachers that volunteered to be “pied and dunked”?  We absolutely cannot leave out our wonderful pastor, Fr. Pat.  What a great sport he is!!!  This is truly an amazing school and parish family!

More thanks to  Candie Kavanaugh and the entire PTO board as well as room parents for their work on the upcoming Halloween Bash.  It is gong to be so much fun!

Have you visited our Book Fair yet?  Special thanks to Mrs. Marcelino for all of her hard work and extra hours on campus to make this event open to all of our children and their families.

Additional thanks to past and present parents, staff members and parishioners for accepting positions on our 2019-2020 School Advisory Board.  Congratulations and much appreciation to:

President—Mr. Tom Horgan

Vice-President—Mr. Jack Beresford

Secretary—Mrs. Katie Zack

Treasurer—Mr. Derek  Anthony

Additional Members

Mrs. Liliana Galindo

Mr. David Oliver

Mrs. Fran Vargas

Mrs. Ann Wieczorek

Ex-Officio Members

Mrs. Julie Hollis

Mrs. Kelly Lange

Ms. Jennifer Ledfors

Mrs. Francie Moss

Reverend Patrick Mulcahy

Blessings for another amazing week ahead!  Mrs. Moss

Stella Maris Academy To Hold Enrollment Open House On October 9, 2019

On October 9, 2019 from 8-3pm, the public is invited to our Enrollment Open House. We invite you to tour our campus, see our facilities, and our student community. Hear directly from our principal, Mrs. Francie Moss, meet program teachers and students, and see for yourself why Stella Maris Academy is a warm, welcoming and safe environment for students.

This is a unique opportunity to see the Stella Maris Academy community in action outside of the structured school day. Please RSVP for the Enrollment Open House so we may properly plan for this year’s event. Tours can be scheduled by calling 858-454-2641.

Stella Maris Academy’s Enrollment Open House is for Transitional Kindergarten to Eighth Grade families. Meet our teachers and students, visit classrooms, learn more about the curriculum and hear firsthand how we inspire our students to be citizens for a better world. We look forward to meeting you!


  • Meet our Principal, Mrs. Francie Moss and hear her vision for Stella Maris Academy and philosophy on education.
  • Tour our beautiful campus and classrooms: explore our Library, Star Center, Junior Yard and Senior Yard.
  • Meet our dedicated faculty, and walk through our campus to understand why students love coming to school.
  • See current students and teachers who are passionate about Stella Maris Academy.
  • Hear about the students service and philanthropic programs.
  • Learn about our alumni their experiences at Stella Maris Academy, their college or university and beyond.

For more information, please contact Dr. Jennifer Ledfors, Director of Advancement, at 858-454-2461 or jledfors@stellamarisacademy.org .

October’s Blanket and Towel Charity Drive Has Started!

This Year, Stella Maris Academy students’ philanthropy project for Father Joe’s Village is to collect blankets and towels. From October 8th to October 18th we will be collecting new and gently used blankets and towels. Contributions can be made by families, parishioners, or anyone wishing to help. Please bring donations to the office during October 8th-18th. Thank you!


Dear Parents,

What a week it has been! We began celebrating the 72nd birthday of Stella Maris Academy this past Sunday at the 9:00 parish Mass followed by a cupcake celebration in the church courtyard. Many thanks to the families that attended and to the children that showed their school spirit by wearing their dress uniforms On Tuesday, we showed our love for our school by calling a “Spirit Wear Day”! Once again…Happy Birthday, SMA! We are all so blessed to be part of this school/parish family.

ATTENTION ALL PARENTS: Save the date of Thursday, September 26 from 8 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and attend “Coffee With the Principal”. We will be welcoming Mr. John Galvan, the director for the Office for Schools of the Diocese of San Diego. Mr. Galvan will be speaking to us on the topic of adults and their “Faith Journey”. He is a dynamic speaker with a rich history in Catholic Schools. There will be time to chat and visit with me, Mr. Galvan and other parents as well. If you plan on attending, please email me at fmoss@stellamarisacademy.org by Monday, September 23 with the number of people attending. This will help to assist us in planning and set up for this event. I hope to see many of you there.

Don’t forget that our annual “Family Fun Night” is right around the corner! The fun will take place in the Junior Yard on Friday, September 27 from 6-9 P.M. Coming together for an evening of fun strengthens our community and creates lasting memories! I will see you there!

With Warm Blessings,

Francie Moss

Save the Dates!

Mark your calendars with the following special Stella Maris dates – more details to follow soon!

September 17th: Stella Maris Academy 72nd Anniversary!

September 27th: Family Fun Night, 6-9pm.

October 26th: Halloween Bash, 5-9pm.

November 1st: The Dad’s Club Wine Tasting Evening, 5-8pm, Parish Hall.

November 14th: Geppetto’s and Stella Maris Academy team up for a fun shopping evening, 5-8pm, where 15% of sale proceeds benefit SMA!

December 3rd: #GivingTuesday.

February 22, 2020: Annual PTO Masquerade Gala.

Stella Maris Academy Teams Up With AdoptAClassroom.org

Stella Maris Academy has teamed up with AdoptAClassroom.org, an education fundraising platform that has raised more than $36 million, providing funding for resources and materials to more than 200,000 classrooms across the nation since 1998. AdoptAClassroom.org connects corporate sponsors and individual donors to teachers and schools locally and nationally. They make it easy for teachers and schools to register, receive funds, and order the classroom supplies they need. If you would like to support Stella Maris Academy with a tax-deductible donation that will be available immediately to our school, please visit AdoptAClassroom.org, via this link https://adoptaclassroom.force.com/donors/s/designation/a1m0y000001vCKFAA2/jennifer-ledfors . You can also contact the Advancement Office at 858-454-2461.

If you would like to help us spread the word, you can share the link to our fundraising page with other people or businesses you know who may be interested in supporting Stella Maris Academy. Thank you!